Async function to load contracts holding LRTs on behalf of users.
Copy getContracts: (params: GetContractsParams) => Promise<DeFiContract[]> | DeFiContract[];
Async function to load user shares between 2 blocks (inclusive).
Copy getUserShares: (params: GetUserSharesParams) => Promise<IDeFiUserShare[]> | IDeFiUserShare[];
A user share represents the amount of LRT owned by an address pro-rata to others.
User shares are sorted by block and a new entry must be added each time LRT ratios change.
Get user balances (optional)
Optional async function to load user balances (if they're not 1:1 to user shares).
Copy getBalances: (params: GetBalancesParams) => Promise<IDeFiUserBalance[]> | IDeFiUserBalance[];
Copy import { GetContractsParams, GetDeFiPoolsParams, GetUserSharesParams, IDeFiUserShare } from "../types";
export class ZircuitDeFiCollector implements IDeFiCollector {
public getContracts({ chainId }: GetContractsParams) {
if (chainId === 1) {
return [
vault: "0x7a4EffD87C2f3C55CA251080b1343b605f327E3a",
address: "0xF047ab4c75cebf0eB9ed34Ae2c186f3611aEAfa6"
// ...
return [];
public getDeFiPools({ chainId }: GetDeFiPoolsParams) {
if (chainId === 1) {
return [
id: "pool-zircuit-rstETH",
chainId: 1,
name: "rstETH",
protocol: "Zircuit",
vault: "0x7a4EffD87C2f3C55CA251080b1343b605f327E3a",
protocol_address: "0xF047ab4c75cebf0eB9ed34Ae2c186f3611aEAfa6",
url: "",
boost: 2,
// ...
return [];
public async getUserShares({
contract, // ZtakingPool
}: GetUserSharesParams) {
if (chainId !== 1) {
return [];
const userShares: IDeFiUserShare[] = [];
const vaults = ["0x7a4EffD87C2f3C55CA251080b1343b605f327E3a"];
const depositEvents = await getDepositEvents(contract);
const withdrawalEvents = await getWithdrawalEvents(contract);
// balance changes events
const events = [...depositEvents, ...withdrawalEvents].sort(
(a, b) => a.block - b.block
for (const event of events) {
// get user vaults balances at this block
const balances = await getMulticallBalance(
for (const balance of balances) {
block: event.block,
user: event.user,
vault: balance.vault,
protocol_address: contract,
return userShares;
Copy export type ChainId = 1 | 1923 | 9889 | 17000 | 48900;
export interface IDeFiUserShare {
chainId: ChainId;
block: number;
* UNIX timestamp
timestamp: number;
* User address (checksummed)
user: string;
* Share amount
amount: bigint;
* Vault address (checksummed)
vault: string;
* Protocol address (checksummed) e.g. LP, SY, Credit Account
protocol_address: string;
export interface IDeFiUserBalance {
chainId: ChainId;
block: number;
timestamp: number;
user: string;
amount: bigint;
vault: string;
protocol_address: string;
* Pool metadata
export interface IDefiPool {
* Unique pool identifier
id: string;
* Pool display name
name: string;
* Protocol display name
protocol: string;
* Vault address (checksummed)
vault: string;
* Protocol address (checksummed) e.g. LP, SY, Credit Account
protocol_address: string;
* Link to protocol pool page
url: string;
* Mellow points multiplier e.g. 2, 3 for 2x or 3x boost
boost: number;
export interface IPointsFee {
chainId: ChainId;
contract: string;
vault: string;
* Recipient address
recipient: string;
* Ex: 3n for 3% fee
amount: bigint;
export type GetContractsParams = {
chainId: ChainId;
toBlock: number;
toTimestamp: number;
export type GetDeFiPoolsParams = GetContractsParams;
export type GetUserSharesParams = {
chainId: ChainId;
contract: string;
fromBlock: number;
toBlock: number;
fromTimestamp: number;
toTimestamp: number;
* Currently loaded user shares
userShares: IDeFiUserShare[];
export type GetBalancesParams = {
chainId: ChainId;
contract: string;
fromBlock: number;
toBlock: number;
fromTimestamp: number;
toTimestamp: number;
* All user shares (includes shares just loaded)
allUserShares: IDeFiUserShare[];
* Currently loaded user balances
userBalances: IDeFiUserBalance[];
export type GetCurrentBalancesParams = {
chainId: ChainId;
contract: string;
userBalances: IDeFiUserBalance[];
export type ProcessUserSharesParams = {
chainId: ChainId;
contract: string;
userShares: Map<string, IDeFiUserShare>;
block: number;
timestamp: number;
export type DeFiContract = {
vault: string;
chainId: ChainId;
address: `0x${string}`;
* To fallback points if the contract owns LRTs but there's no shareholder
* ex: Pendle leftover points for expired pools
* ex: LRTs deposited in SY but SY not used in YT / LP
fallbackAddress?: `0x${string}`;
startBlock?: number;
startTimestamp?: number;
export interface IDeFiCollector {
* Get LRT holders e.g. UniswapV3 Pool, Pendle SY
getContracts: (
params: GetContractsParams
) => Promise<DeFiContract[]> | DeFiContract[];
* Get DeFi pools metadata
getDeFiPools: (
params: GetDeFiPoolsParams
) => Promise<IDefiPool[]> | IDefiPool[];
* Get historical user shares
getUserShares: (
params: GetUserSharesParams
) => Promise<IDeFiUserShare[]> | IDeFiUserShare[];
* (Optional) Get historical user balances
getBalances?: (
params: GetBalancesParams
) => Promise<IDeFiUserBalance[]> | IDeFiUserBalance[];
* (Optional) Get protocol fees
getPointsFees?: () => IPointsFee[];
* (Optional) Hook to post process current user shares
processUserShares?: (params: ProcessUserSharesParams) => void;