

DefaultBondModule contract handles deposits and withdrawals for bonds in the symbiotic module system.

Key Features

  • Bond Deposits: Facilitates deposits into bonds, managing token allowances securely.

  • Bond Withdrawals: Enables secure withdrawals from bonds.

  • Allowance Management: Uses safeIncreaseAllowance to ensure the appropriate token allowances are set.


  1. Bond Deposit

    • deposit(address, uint256): Deposits tokens into a specified bond.

      • bond: The address of the bond.

      • amount: The amount of tokens to deposit.

      • Returns: The deposited amount.

      • Errors: Returns 0 if the amount is zero.

      • Event:

        • DefaultBondModuleDeposit(address, uint256, uint256): Emitted after a successful deposit.

          • bond: Address of the bond.

          • amount: Amount deposited.

          • timestamp: Timestamp of the deposit.

  2. Bond Withdrawal

    • withdraw(address, uint256): Withdraws tokens from a specified bond.

      • bond: The address of the bond.

      • amount: The amount of tokens to withdraw.

      • Returns: The amount withdrawn.

      • Errors:

        • Returns 0 if the amount is zero or the bond balance is insufficient.

      • Event:

        • DefaultBondModuleWithdraw(address, uint256): Emitted after a successful withdrawal.

          • bond: Address of the bond.

          • amount: Amount withdrawn.