

ManagedValidator provides role-based access control and validation for smart contract functions. It uses a bitmask structure to represent different roles, ensuring that only authorized users can interact with specific functions or contracts. This contract is a primary validator in the system, granting or revoking permissions based on roles and supporting custom validation logic.

Key Features

  • Role-Based Access Control: Allows access based on predefined roles stored in bitmasks.

  • Permission Validation: Verifies if a user has the required permission to call specific functions on contracts.

  • Custom Validators: Supports setting custom validators to enforce additional rules.

  • Flexible Roles: Uses four different types of roles:

    • Public Roles: Globally accessible roles.

    • User Roles: Roles assigned directly to users.

    • Allow-All Signatures Roles: Roles allowing full access to a contract.

    • Allow-Signature Roles: Roles allowing access to specific functions.

Role Assignment Algorithm

  1. Determine the roles assigned to a user (userRoles[from] | publicRoles).

  2. If the user has the ADMIN_ROLE (role index 255), access is automatically granted.

  3. If the contract has a role in common with the user's roles, access is granted.

  4. If the function signature within a contract matches a user's roles, access is granted.

  5. Otherwise, access is denied.

Error Definitions

  • Forbidden: Raised when a user attempts an unauthorized action.

  • InvalidData: The input data is not long enough for the function signature.

Data Structure

  1. Storage

    • userRoles: Mapping of user addresses to their assigned roles (bitmask).

    • publicRoles: Bitmask representing globally accessible roles.

    • allowAllSignaturesRoles: Mapping of contract addresses to roles that provide full access.

    • allowSignatureRoles: Mapping of contract addresses and function signatures to roles.

    • customValidator: Mapping of contracts to their respective custom validators.

Core Methods

  1. Permission Checking:

    • hasPermission(address, address, bytes4): Checks if a user has permission to call a specific function on a contract.

    • requirePermission(address, address, bytes4): Verifies that a user has the necessary permissions; reverts with Forbidden if not.

  2. Role Management:

    • Public Roles:

      • grantPublicRole(uint8): Grants a public role to all users.

      • revokePublicRole(uint8): Revokes a public role.

    • User Roles:

      • grantRole(address, uint8): Assigns a specific role to a user.

      • revokeRole(address, uint8): Removes a role from a user.

    • Contract Roles:

      • grantContractRole(address, uint8): Grants a role to a contract.

      • revokeContractRole(address, uint8): Revokes a role from a contract.

      • grantContractSignatureRole(address, bytes4, uint8): Grants a role to a specific function within a contract.

      • revokeContractSignatureRole(address, bytes4, uint8): Revokes a function-specific role from a contract.

  3. Custom Validators:

    • setCustomValidator(address, address): Sets a custom validator for a specific contract.

    • customValidator(address): Returns the custom validator assigned to a contract.

  4. Role Information:

    • ADMIN_ROLE_MASK(): Returns the bitmask representing the admin role.

    • STORAGE_POSITION(): Returns the storage position identifier for role data.

    • userRoles(address): Returns the bitmask representing a user's roles.

    • publicRoles(): Returns the bitmask representing public roles.

    • allowAllSignaturesRoles(address): Returns the bitmask of roles that allow full access to a contract.

    • allowSignatureRoles(address, bytes4): Returns the roles that allow access to a specific function.

  5. Validation:

    • validate(address, address, bytes): Ensures that a user has the required permissions to execute a function on a target contract.


  • Public Roles:

    • PublicRoleGranted(uint8): Emitted when a public role is granted.

    • PublicRoleRevoked(uint8): Emitted when a public role is revoked.

  • User Roles:

    • RoleGranted(address, uint8): Emitted when a role is granted to a user.

    • RoleRevoked(address, uint8): Emitted when a role is revoked from a user.

  • Contract Roles:

    • ContractRoleGranted(address, uint8): Emitted when a role is granted to a contract.

    • ContractRoleRevoked(address, uint8): Emitted when a role is revoked from a contract.

  • Contract Signature Roles:

    • ContractSignatureRoleGranted(address, bytes4, uint8): Emitted when a role is granted to a function within a contract.

    • ContractSignatureRoleRevoked(address, bytes4, uint8): Emitted when a role is revoked from a function within a contract.

  • Custom Validator:

    • CustomValidatorSet(address, address): Emitted when a custom validator is set for a contract.