
Designed to maintain a count, Counter offers functionality to incrementally update a value and manage access through ownership and operator privileges. This can be used in scenarios requiring tallying, tracking usage or interactions, and other numerical record-keeping in smart contracts.



  • Description: Retrieves the current value of the counter.

  • Returns: uint256 representing the current counter value.


  • Description: Fetches the address recognized as the owner of the counter.

  • Returns: Address of the current owner.


  • Description: Obtains the address designated as the operator of the counter, who is permitted to perform specific actions like adding to the counter.

  • Returns: Operator's address.

transferOwnership(address newOwner)

  • Description: Assigns ownership of the counter to a new address, transferring all associated control and privileges.

  • Parameters:

    • newOwner: The address to be assigned as the new owner of the counter.

  • Restrictions: Can only be executed by the current owner.

add(uint256 additionalValue)

  • Description: Increments the counter by a specified value.

  • Parameters:

    • additionalValue: The amount by which to increase the counter.

  • Restrictions: Can only be executed by the current operator.


  • Description: Resets the counter value to zero, effectively restarting any count or tally being maintained.

  • Restrictions: Can only be executed by the current owner.

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