
ChainlinkOracle is a PriceOracle


ChainlinkOracle contract integrates with Chainlink to provide accurate and real-time pricing data for various tokens. It manages base tokens and their associated Chainlink oracles (aggregators), ensuring reliable price conversions.

Key Features

  • Chainlink Integration: Utilizes Chainlink Aggregators to fetch accurate pricing data.

  • Base Token Management: Supports setting and managing base tokens for price calculations.

  • Error Reporting: Raises specific errors for unsupported or stale data scenarios.

Error Definitions

  • InvalidLength: Raised when the input arrays for tokens and oracles are not of equal length.

  • AddressZero: Raised when an address is expected but not provided.

  • StaleOracle: The data from the Chainlink oracle is older than the maximum allowable age (MAX_ORACLE_AGE).


  • MAX_ORACLE_AGE: The maximum allowable age for Chainlink oracle data, set to 2 days.

  • Q96: A fixed-point scaling constant (2^96), used for ratio calculations.

Core Methods

  1. Base Token Management

    • setBaseToken(address, address): Sets the base token for a specific vault.

      • vault: The address of the vault.

      • baseToken: The address of the base token.

  2. Chainlink Oracle Management

    • setChainlinkOracles(address, address[], address[]): Associates tokens with their Chainlink oracles for a given vault.

      • vault: The address of the vault.

      • tokens: An array of token addresses.

      • oracles: An array of oracle addresses matching the tokens.

  3. Pricing

    • getPrice(address, address): Retrieves the price and decimals of a token from its associated Chainlink oracle.

      • vault: The address of the vault.

      • token: The address of the token.

    • priceX96(address, address): Computes the price of a token in base token terms, using a 96-bit fixed-point representation.

      • vault: The address of the vault.

      • token: The address of the token.


  1. Base Token Events:

    • ChainlinkOracleSetBaseToken(address, address, uint256): Emitted when a base token is set for a specific vault.

      • vault: The address of the vault.

      • baseToken: The address of the base token.

      • timestamp: The timestamp when the base token was set.

  2. Oracle Setup Events:

    • ChainlinkOracleSetChainlinkOracles(address, address[], address[], uint256): Emitted when Chainlink oracles are set for tokens in a vault.

      • vault: The address of the vault.

      • tokens: Array of token addresses.

      • oracles: Array of oracle addresses.

      • timestamp: The timestamp when the oracles were set.