ManagedRatiosOracle is a RatiosOracle
The ManagedRatiosOracle
contract provides ratio management for underlying tokens within a vault. It allows updating and retrieving target ratios for the vault's assets using a 96-bit fixed-point precision system.
Key Features
Ratio Management: Sets and retrieves target ratios for vault tokens.
Error Definitions
InvalidLength: Raised if the number of ratios doesn't match the number of underlying tokens or if data is absent.
InvalidToken: The token hash does not match the stored ratios data hash.
InvalidCumulativeRatio: The cumulative sum of ratios does not match the expected value.
Q96: Fixed-point scaling constant (2^96) used for precise ratio calculations.
Ratio Management
updateRatios(address, bool, uint128[])
: Updates the target ratios for a specific vault.vault: The address of the vault.
isDeposit: A boolean indicating whether the ratios are for a deposit or a withdrawal.
ratiosX96: An array of ratios, each with 96-bit precision.
: The number of ratios does not match the number of tokens.InvalidCumulativeRatio
: Cumulative ratio sum does not matchQ96
getTargetRatiosX96(address, bool)
: Retrieves the target ratios for a given vault.vault: The address of the vault.
isDeposit: A boolean indicating whether the ratios are for a deposit or a withdrawal.
: Data is missing.InvalidToken
: The stored token hash does not match the current hash.
Data Structures
tokensHash (
): Keccak256 hash of the tokens array to ensure consistency.ratiosX96 (
): An array of ratios with 96-bit precision.
ManagedRatiosOracleUpdateRatios(address, bool, uint128[])
: Emitted when the target ratios are updated for a vault.vault: The address of the vault.
isDeposit: A boolean indicating whether the ratios are for a deposit or a withdrawal.
ratiosX96: An array of updated target ratios.