

DefaultAccessControl contract provides a flexible role-based access control mechanism. It leverages the OpenZeppelin AccessControlEnumerable. The contract defines three roles —OPERATOR, ADMIN_ROLE, and ADMIN_DELEGATE_ROLE — each with specific permissions to control various aspects of the system.

Key Features

  • Role Hierarchy: Establishes a clear hierarchy of permissions through three primary roles:

    • Admin Role: Has the highest privileges.

    • Admin Delegate Role: Can manage operators.

    • Operator Role: Executes regular tasks but with limited authority.

  • Access Verification: Provides methods to verify if a user meets certain permission requirements.


  • OPERATOR: A hashed identifier for the operator role.

  • ADMIN_ROLE: A hashed identifier for the admin role.

  • ADMIN_DELEGATE_ROLE: A hashed identifier for the admin delegate role.


  • constructor(address): Initializes the contract with an admin address.

    • admin: Address of the initial admin.

    • Errors:

      • AddressZero: Raised if the admin address is zero.

Core Methods

  1. Role Verification

    • isAdmin(address): Checks if the sender has an admin or admin delegate role.

      • sender: Address to verify.

      • Returns: true if the sender is an admin or delegate, false otherwise.

    • isOperator(address): Checks if the sender has an operator role.

      • sender: Address to verify.

      • Returns: true if the sender is an operator, false otherwise.

  2. Access Enforcement

    • requireAdmin(address): Requires the sender to be an admin or delegate.

      • sender: Address of the user.

      • Errors:

        • Forbidden: Raised if the sender does not have the required role.

    • requireAtLeastOperator(address): Requires the sender to be at least an operator or higher.

      • sender: Address of the user.

      • Errors:

        • Forbidden: Raised if the sender does not have the required role.

  3. Internal Methods

    • _requireAdmin(address): Internal method for admin verification.

    • _requireAtLeastOperator(address): Internal method for operator or higher verification.